
The leading Gigya Agency in Holzkirchen

The SAP Customer Data Platform (SAP CDP) is a cloud-based platform and connects online and offline customer data to store it in a centralised way in one place.

The CDP software connects to all customer-related systems in the company and obtains information from data sources such as the company’s internal CRM system. Based on merged customer data, the Single Sign-on function gives the marketing and sales teams direct access to meaningful information such as customer interactions or customer identity.

Key figures calculated in real time facilitate segmentation, which means that marketing campaigns can be better adapted to specific customer needs and a personalised customer journey becomes possible.

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Our 8 Principles for Growth

With our 8 Principles for Growth, we have bundled our experiences from many consulting projects in a variety of industries. It provides us clear guidance and orientation during setup and execution of effective projects with predictable outcome.

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