Get real-time insights into centrally managed customer data with Gigya

The SAP Customer Data Platform (SAP CDP) is a cloud-based platform and connects online and offline customer data to store it in a centralised way in one place.

The CDP software connects to all customer-related systems in the company and obtains information from data sources such as the company’s internal CRM system. Based on merged customer data, the Single Sign-on function gives the marketing and sales teams direct access to meaningful information such as customer interactions or customer identity.

Key figures calculated in real time facilitate segmentation, which means that marketing campaigns can be better adapted to specific customer needs and a personalised customer journey becomes possible.


Automated and transparent data protection with SAP Customer Data Platform

Gigya automatically supports compliance with data protection regulations such as the DSGVO. As soon as legal changes regarding data processing or storage occur, new or adapted terms and conditions are presented to customers.

This is because the SAP Customer Data Platform recognises the purpose for which the customer data is collected, which means that the collected data is only added to a customer profile if a required declaration of consent is available.

In addition, Gigya offers ready-made connectivity options for authenticating users on websites. These include numerous social networks as well as industry-specific providers, such as DocCheck for authenticating medical professionals.

We are happy to support you with the:

  • Selection and integration of a suitable customer data platform (alternatively e.g. Treasure data)
  • Training and further education of your employees
  • Analysis and evaluation of the collected customer data
  • Integration and optimisation of omnichannel marketing channels
  • Personalisation of the customer journey
  • Familiarisation with data protection guidelines
Managing Partner & Founder

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